
CRM - Questionnaire

"There's a way to do it better - find it!" (Thomas Alva Edison)

Following Thomas Alva Edison we are continuously heading to find a way to do it better.
In our efforts to achieve this we would like to asks you for your support by rating our services on a scale of 1 to 6, with 1 being the highest and 6 the lowes rating.

(1=very good; 2=good; 3=satisfying; 4=sufficient; 5=poor; 6=unsufficient)

Your ratings will be evaluated by a neutral third party of SGB-SMIT Group to find out new starting points.

1) How do you rate the delivery time of your orders with regard to

Technical records (drawings etc.)

Operation manuals


2) How do you rate the quality of

3) How do you rate the sales/project management?

4) In case of engineering meetings how do you rate them?

5) How do you rate the witness testing in connection with this order?

6) How do you rate the expertise of our colleagues?

general activities at site

mounting and errection

expertise of our fieldwork personnel

7) In which way will the general handling of this order influence your future decisions at placements of orders?

8) How do you rate the the technical level of the factory?

9) How do you rate After Sales Service / Warranty experience?

* are mandatory fields!